Potting mix

Potting mix

For starting seeds in nursery pots, it's important to create a mix that supports seed germination with adequate moisture retention, aeration, and nutrients. Here's a suggested mix using your ingredients:
  1. Coco Coir (40%): Provides excellent moisture retention and aeration. Coco coir is neutral and won't affect the pH much, which is good for young seedlings.
  2. Potting Soil/Peat Moss (40%): Adds structure to your mix and helps retain moisture. Peat moss also slightly acidifies the mix, which can be beneficial for many plants.
  3. Organic 2-2-2 Fertilizer with Biochar, Organic Coffee Grounds, Silica Minerals, Cow Manure, Dolomite (10%)**: This balanced, nutrient-rich addition provides slow-release nutrients that are safe for young plants. The biochar also improves soil health by enhancing nutrient and water retention.
  4. Dry Granular Bokashi Inoculant (5%): Introducing bokashi can help in early root development by improving the microbial life in the soil, enhancing nutrient availability.
  5. Green Sand (5%): Adds potassium and trace minerals, improving the overall nutrient profile of the soil without overwhelming young seedlings.
This mixture should provide a balanced, nutrient-rich environment that supports the healthy growth of seedlings, ready for transplantation to your larger greenhouse. Adjust based on the specific needs of the plants you're growing, as some might have unique requirements.
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